Patrick Craven

Top 1 % Etsy seller. Let me help you thrive!

About Me

My name is Patrick, and I´m a full-time Etsy seller in the top 1 %. Etsy is my main source of income and my favorite online marketplace to sell handmade and digital products. I´ve been researching and learning about SEO, product design, branding and more for several years and have helped hundreds of store owners significantly improve their sales, traffic and conversion rates! I think everyone deserves to live their dream life, and I´m here to help you build it!


Me and my team help artists and business owners make money with their Etsy stores.
Multi 6-figure results for 120+ clients.


If you would like to say hello or to submit a service inquiry, please type your message here and include your contact information below. I'm also available on WhatsApp! (Link below)